e2s Service Desk

Service Desk Software

Create a campus full of happy students – provide timely responses to their queries and issues, empower campus staff to track and address student needs efficiently. Experience the power of e2s Service Desk!
Service Desk
Service Desk Solution
e2s Service Desk is a powerful product to empower your staff and students, enabling them to streamline issue recording, tracking, resolution, and feedback. Break silos in your campus with respect to student service, be it for a simple issue that can be resolved instantly or a complex issue that demands staff collaboration among various campus departments.

Students can raise issues or queries anytime, anywhere using their smart phone or portal and be assured that there will be a response from the campus staff. They no longer need to waste their valuable time waiting in lines or get frustrated with incomplete or irrelevant responses. Using their portal access or smart phone they can track their issues and view the notes on progress. Once the issue is resolved they can rate the service with appropriate feedback or reopen the ticket if they are unhappy with the resolution.

If the issue requires them to set up an appointment with their advisor or other campus staff member, they can do so on a friendly calendar interface.

help desk for schools
Key Highlights for staff
  • Student service staff have their work clearly laid out on their home page with all outstanding student issue tickets and priorities.
  • They can easily move the service tickets to appropriate staff member of teams for speedy resolution.
  • Staff can track each ticket based on priorities and ensure that they never miss a beat with student service.
  • They can add any oft-repeated student issue or query to the FAQ knowledgebase with a single click.
  • They can publish their available dates for student to set up a time to meet, or the student to request a time for a meeting.
  • Review reports and dashboards that reflect student satisfaction to continuously improve student service.
Key Highlights for students
  • Students can easily navigate the campus administrative system with e2s app on their smart phones or through their portal.
  • They can easily refer to a growing list of FAQ knowledgebase enabling self-service.
  • Students can raise a service ticket for any issue or query anytime, anywhere and track the issue to closure.
  • Students never have to stand in a line again to meet a student service staff. They can even set up an appointment with the relevant staff member.
  • Students can rate the speed and accuracy of issue resolution, and also reopen the ticket if needed.
Appointment Booking
Appointment Booking
Students often need to meet with advisors and other campus staff. Service Desk is integrated with appointment scheduling because a serious student issue or concern might lead to appointment with an advisor. Students can easily set up appointments via their mobile app as one-time or recurring, specifying duration and venue. Calendar on the mobile app tracks appointments with reminders and alerts. Staff members may publish their availability ahead of time, and students can choose preferred time slots, with meeting prerequisites. Campuses can now effectively track meeting outcomes and elevate student experience.
FAQ Knowledge Base
Create and expand a categorised FAQ system for student self-service. Easily add frequently asked questions through an approval process. Students can search by keywords to find relevant answers and rate the FAQs. Categories include Financial Aid, Scholarships, Housing, etc. Most viewed FAQs are highlighted, and students can provide feedback for relevance. The FAQ system serves as a valuable self-service tool for students and aids in onboarding new staff efficiently.
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